Ketamine (KET) Hair Rapid Test
Product background
Ketamine is an intravenous general anesthetic with sedative effects,commonly known as “ketamine”, which canlead to physical dependence and abuse when taken in large quantities.while the drug is generally metabolised inthe blood and urine after 7 days of use, it can still be detected in the hair, which has an average production rate of1.1cm (0.8-1.4cm) per month, and can remain stable in the hair for long periods of time (years), not only in the hairbut also in leg, pubic and axillary hairs. Therefore, the presence of these associated compounds in the hairindicates that Ketamine has been used.
Intended use
This product is used for the qualitative detection of ketamine at a minimum detection threshold of 1ng/mg inhuman hair is used for the primary screening test for ketamine.
Operation steps and result interpretation
1. Positive (+): only a purple-red band appears in the quality control area (C).There is no purple-red band in the detection area (T).
2. Negative (-):Two purple-red bands appear.One is located in the detection area (T), and the other is located inthe quality control area (c).
3. lnvalid: There is no purple-red band in the quality controlarea(C).In any case, it should be retested.